Physically attracted to older men
When you are young and good-looking, there is a general assumption that you should be with somebody around your age. Sure, it is no problem at all for a beautiful woman in her 20s or 30s to get attention. Whether you are in a bar or a club, at the beach or at the gym – you probably know all too well what it feels like to make heads turn. Does that necessarily mean you should go for a handsome young guy, though? If you find yourself more physically attracted to older men, you are definitely not the only woman.

Physically attracted to older men – why age is overrated
A lot of attractive younger women actually find themselves more physically attracted to older men. While a younger guy may be in his best shape, a more mature age also brings out some nice changes in a man. Women who are more physically attracted to older men often love the seasoned look of mature guys. Be it the salt and pepper hair or the life experience – there are a lot of things to like in a guy who is in his best years.
Personality plays a big role for being physically attracted to older men

When you enjoy the company of older men, you probably also love to spend time with someone who is a bit more mature. Many younger guys seem overly self-confident due to their fitness, but lack the life experience of a mature guy. Most of us find nothing more unattractive than a big ego with nothing to show for. A hot young man may brag all he wants – how much will he actually have to show for? There is only so much you can accomplish by the age of 30. It is definitely not a nice experience if your date constantly tries to impress you. His accomplishments should speak for themselves, otherwise things can get very exhausting. This leads me to another point: Career success.
Dating older men with a great career has its nice sides

If you are physically attracted to older men, you most likely prefer the company of people who have worked hard to establish themselves. Dating someone ambitious with a great career means stability and financial independence. Mature guys are typically in a decent enough position to enjoy their life without too many financial constraints. In other words, they do not need to pay much attention to the money they spend. Going out on an extravagant date is the norm, not the exception. Be it luxury restaurants or super exclusive bars – there usually is no limit when it comes to the price.
You are someone with high standards when it comes to lifestyle? Then being physically attracted to older men is a natural choice. There are so many things in life that wait for you to be discovered. If you are single, why not look for someone who can enjoy them with you?