Sexual concerns of mature men
When it comes to ageing, many men are concerned about what this means for their sex life. In fact, sexuality and especially the individual performance in bed is bigger topic than the usual signs of ageing. Where women fight a never-ending battle against the visual signs of age, for men this is not true to the same extent. Why are the sexual concerns of mature men such a big deal when it comes to getting older? There are several reasons rooted not only in biology, but society and cultural norms as well.
Sexual concerns of mature men focus on performance

Many men worry that they will not be able to ”perform“ as well when they are in their 50s. Unfortunately, our culture plays a big part in amplifying the sexual concerns of mature men. There is that expectation that a man has to display physical prowess and take the lead when it comes to sex. Ideals of masculinity and manhood often focus too much on strength, fitness, and the ability to maintain a rock-hard erection. Imagery of strong men in the media shows studs that are always able to perform and have a strong sex drive that never seems to ebb down. The perfect man is depicted with a muscular body, a high sex drive and an irresistible charm? But does this really depict the reality for most men in their 50s?
Admittedly, maintaining a good overall fitness and a muscular body is not impossible at the age of 50. It does get harder, though. Not only do older men gain weight much faster than their younger counterparts. A higher career level typically also comes with less free time. Then there are all the other obligations one has to take care of. Friends and family have to fit into the daily schedule, too. And for all men with children, balancing things gets even more complicated.
A healthy sex life is not about physical prowess

For most women, good sex is not just about physical stamina. Quite the opposite is true. Many women are dissatisfied with their sex life because they feel that their partner does not show enough effort to understand what works for them. In this sense, the typical sexual concerns of mature men come from a very male perspective. Indeed, most men do not spend enough time to explore what women really expect and enjoy when it comes to sex. Women often have quite different expectations and views when it comes to their sexuality. More often than not, men overlook that they need to satisfy their partner’s needs in a different way.
How to overcome sexual concerns of mature men

In order to overcome sexual concerns of mature men, we have to first accept that ageing is a part of life. At some point, the signs of ageing are obvious. To some extent, this will also have an impact on the sex drive of a healthy man. However, it is important for men to learn how to life with this change. Masculinity does not only stem from physical prowess and stamina. Even more important is self-confidence and being able to accept growing older as an inevitable part of life.